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Rainy School Days

I don't know what it is about school lately but every week's more dull than the last. Maybe I'm just exhausted from the everyday grind. 

A lot of people don't like it when it rains because it's inconvenient, but a little rain is nice once in a while. It's a good break from the perpetual heat in Manila. Other than a decent government and an efficient transportation system (and more parks!), the one thing I wish the most for our country is cooler weather. I don't mean the cold, biting winters of New York or Korea but a bit like Hong Kong. They have a warm summer and a cool and cozy 15 degree winter. Sigh. Why can't we have nice things? :|

We had to take a portrait of a person in their environment for our activity in creative photography class so we snuck in the dance room hoping to find a ballerina rehearsing, but the room was empty. My first choice was a librarian, but we weren't allowed to take photos in the library. Silly me, I didn't think our books were top secret stuff. XD
Third choice was the Industrial Design department, because I love how gritty their workshop looks. Sadly, no students were around because it was a Friday. Fortunately, I found an employee of the ID Department (who is an ID graduate of the school) to photograph. He even obliged and used the machine for the photo. I'm an awkward turtle and didn't want to inconvenience anyone so I literally finished up in one minute.

This is the shot:

My creative photography and religion subjects are the only classes keeping me sane at the moment, because I like the professors. I have to drag myself to school sometimes, and during class I'm just itching to go home. I daydream about lying down and taking a nap, having merienda, and playing with the dogs. Is that weird? :/


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