Give me afternoon sunlight and even the slightest hint of "yes, alright, you may, er, photograph me" and in five minutes I'm already emptying the SD card, switching lenses, and getting my photographer gear on - which includes an old orange house shirt with holes and a tangled, frizzy excuse for a hairstyle. Frolicking around the neighborhood looking like I ran a 5K while being devoured by mosquitoes.. I think this what they call, "suffer for your craft?"
Three quick outfit changes and forty minutes later, these were the images we came up with. A no-fuss, street style-esque photoset. I've come to the realization that the love-hate relationship I have with shooting in natural sunlight is completely fictional. There is no love or hate, just adrenaline. (No regrets, just ~luv~) There's a certain level of stress I thrive on, and the pressure of shifting clouds, the setting sun, and less than perfect conditions all while trying to capture and direct your model is quite exciting! It may be my bum life talking (NOT COMPLAINING), but yes, I think thrilling encapsulates it better.
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