I'm the most nostalgic person I know so naturally, I found these photos from one of our Hong Kong trips back in 2010 while I was memory hunting. I can't remember the specifics of the weather but it was cold enough for fog to come out of my mouth when I'd breathe! Unfortunately, I overestimated my innate body-warming abilities and turned into a White Walker. Ha. Logic being: I perspire easily, deep down, I must be such a hot person! Oooohyeahh)
My sister getting her Mufasa on.
This was the coldest day, I remember, because I was wearing 4 layers of clothing and couldn't be bothered to care if I looked like Michelin or not. XD
I love you, Hong Kong. You make me so happy. I wish I could say the same for our city, but I wonder if I'll ever get to in my lifetime.
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