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life lately

I love Sundays. It's 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and it's quiet. No mailman at the door, no delivery truck, just the gentle hum of the blades of the electric fan as I try to take a nap. Only today, I can't.
Recent posts

Le Petit Prince

With the film adaptation of The Little Prince having recently come out, I wanted to share something I wrote about the book a while back. But first, a backstory:  A couple of months ago, one of my favorite writers,  Regina , was giving away the complete boxed set of Sandman by Neil Gaiman for her birthday to a reader (which turned out to be me. Holla at yo boy! Hahaha) Anyway, I read the first three Sandman graphic novels back in college, and instantly felt connected to the world of Dreams. But life got in the way, and I graduated before I could borrow the rest of the series from the school library. So when Regina posted on her blog that she was going to give away a complete set, who was I to say no to Lord Morpheus? All we had to do was answer: what book has changed your life? The question was simple enough, but not quite; she didn't ask for my favorite book. We often come across books, films, and songs that easily make it to our favorites list, but...

Sunny Laiya

This trip was anything but spontaneous. With four pets to bring (and having recently lost one), you can't really leave any room to chance. People always talk about the beauty of spontaneity and last-minute decisions but there is an under appreciated quality to the most carefully laid out plans. All too often, plans get lost and forgotten along the way so the ones that do make it past the variety of 'Let's Have Lunch Sometime' and 'Catch Up Soon' are pretty special. It's actually been a really long time since we went on vacation and it wasn't easy to decide on a place that had everything we needed. And so we kept calling, researching, asking friends and friends of friends -  the first question always being: Are pets allowed? Eventually we found this private little place in Laiya, but I guess you could say she found us.

Growing Pains

It's graduation season again and with people posting throwbacks left and right, I can't help but think about my own college graduation last year, and the (supposed) grand gate of adulthood that one passes thereafter.  So much has been said about reluctant adulthood and Generation Y constantly thinking that by their twenties, they'd know exactly what it was they wanted to do. Like we thought that age 21 was the promised land of Having Everything Figured Out.

Old Familiar Places

whiskey loaded beats and lyrical feats all between these wrinkled sheets

Anyone But Everyone Else

Give me afternoon sunlight and even the slightest hint of "yes, alright, you may, er, photograph me" and in five minutes I'm already emptying the SD card, switching lenses, and getting my photographer gear on - which includes an old orange house shirt with holes and a tangled, frizzy excuse for a hairstyle. Frolicking around the neighborhood looking like I ran a 5K while being devoured by mosquitoes.. I think this what they call, "suffer for your craft?" 

HK 2010

I'm the most nostalgic person I know so naturally, I found these photos from one of our Hong Kong trips back in 2010 while I was memory hunting. I can't remember the specifics of the weather but it was cold enough for fog to come out of my mouth when I'd breathe! Unfortunately, I overestimated my innate body-warming abilities and turned into a White Walker. Ha. Logic being: I perspire easily, deep down, I must be such a hot person! Oooohyeahh)